Seroni Saka

Seroni's Statistics
Carpe Luna - novel
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Who is Seroni?
Vital Stats

-=The details of the mysterious Bushido Warrior revealed =-


Name: Seroni Saka
Age: 34
Occupation: Samurai of Kami
Height: 5'11''
Weight: 165lbs
Sex: Male
Hair: Long, Blood Red
Eyes: Emerald Green
Birthday: September 12
Marital status: Single
Known Relatives: Satoru (Father, Deceased), Momoko (Mother, Deceased)
Hometown: Salas
Preferred music: Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar
Current Residence: Temple of Bushido / Kami Tower / Chojiro
Weapon(s):  Custom Dai Katana (Kobori Katana), Bloodmetal Nodachi (Saka Nodachi)
Religion: Follows the teachings of Bushido code of honour
Long-Term Goals: Return to Salas, Reunite with Lila Kobori under peaceful terms, serve Kami til death
